Screen Protectors Palm Z22 PDA


Perfect fit screen protectors for your Palm Z22 PDA unit.  This includes one screen protector, just enter the number you require.

Fellowes WriteRIGHT Anti Glare - Protect from Scratches, Reduce screen glare, Improve handwriting recognition.

Fellowes WriteRIGHT Clear - Protect from Scratches, Reduce screen glare, Improve handwriting recognition.

Static Vinyl - Sticks to screen by static force, no adhesive, easy installation and removal. Protects from scratches but not as good for graffiti as the stylus can tend to catch on the surface.

*Palm shown in image not included, this is only for the screen protector.

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  • Model: Palm Z22
  • Shipping Weight: 0.02lbs
  • 45 Units in Stock

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Screen Protectors

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 27 December, 2012.

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