Palm LifeDrive Mobile Manager - Garnet 5.4 416 MHz

Starting at: $106.99

NOTE: The unit does NOT include a stylus

Palm LifeDrive Refurbished With 90 Day Warranty

Includes all standard programs installed and ready to go including the latest OS update for this model. 

A new FLASH DRIVE is available as an option - this is the most important option available for this model.  The Flash Drive has the same capacity as the OEM MicroDrive but is much faster(3 x faster) and uses much less battery(1/3 the current draw) during disk accesses.  Unlike the OEM MicroDrive there are NO moving parts to wear out which was a very common failure with this model.  Palm decided to use the MicroDrive since Flash at that time was very expensive, as a result the unit was VERY slow, now that the cost of Flash memory has come down this should be the ONLY option because of the great increase in speed and reliability. 

Also each unit has had preventative repairs done to the motherboard, this is another common failure that causes LifeDrive units to stop working, a $49 value – of course we also offer this service if you have a LifeDrive that does not light up other than the charge light when plugged in.  About 25% of all untreated LifeDrive units will develop this problem - we are the only company providing this service.

There are NO scratches on the screen or front of this unit, the screen is new – there may be a few very minor scratches, if any, on the back.

 Included items;

  • Palm LifeDrive
  • NOTE: NO stylus is included
  • NOTE: Installation CD not included, you must choose this from the options below
  • NOTE: For the AC adapter and sync cable you must choose this option from below

Technical Details;

  • Supports SD, SDIO and Multimedia card Expansion Cards (Not Included)
  • Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery
  • # PC or Mac Compatible - Windows 2000 or XP or Mac OS X v10.2.6 to 10.3
  • Windows Vista/7 32 and 64 bit compatible
  • Part Numbers 1044ML, 1044NA, Mobile Manager, LifeDrive

LifeDrive User Guide(PDF)
LifeDriveGetting Started Guide(PDF)

Windows 7 32 and 64 bit Compatible


 If you need a repair for this model please go to our Express Repair Service

Add to Cart:
Max: 10
  • Model: 1044ML, 1044NA, Mobile Manager,
  • Shipping Weight: 0.51lbs
  • 2 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Palm

Please Choose:

LD Drive Options

LD PDA upgrade

International AC adapter and sync cable

US AC adaptor and sync cable

Install CD

New OEM leather pouch case

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 21 October, 2009.

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