Express Repair Service Instructions
This is the Garmin Zumo 340/340LM and 350/350LM base repair, it includes the parts and services selected below(check boxes), return shipping options will be given near the end of the checkout process. You can use this service if you know the repairs needed or you can complete our online web form if you are unsure of the needed repairs. If you need to ask a question either use our Contact Us page or give us a call at (612) 326-4364 within business hours. If we find additional problems we will contact you.
In most cases the unit will repaired and sent back the next business day after receiving it. With the RUSH option every effort will be made to send the GPS back the same day as receiving it, these are top-priority upon receipt.
NOTE: Because of circumstances out of our control we are not able to guarantee a watertight seal of the unit after repair. All seals will be properly installed and every attempt will be made to maintain a water tight seal.
Description of some of the features and options
If you choose an option and its is not the problem then we will contact you and give you the option with the change.